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Basic Pandas

Welcome to our basic path on Pandas! If you're interested in data analysis and manipulation in Python, you're in the right place. Pandas is an essential library for data management and analysis and is widely used in fields like data science, data analysis, and data manipulation.

In this path, we will guide you through the fundamentals of Pandas and provide you with the skills necessary to become proficient in using this powerful and flexible library. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced Python developer looking to expand your knowledge, this path will give you a solid foundation.

Structure of the series

  1. CSV Module and Introduction to Pandas DataFrames
  2. DataFrame Operations, Sums, and Pivots
  3. Series Recipes and Live Exercise
  4. Live Coding and In-Depth Exploration
  5. In-Depth Topics, Indexing, Filters, Multi-Indexing

