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Introduction to Kubernetes

In this series of two meetings, Cesare Placanica will talk to us about Kubernetes. But what is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is a powerful open-source platform for container orchestration that has revolutionized the management of distributed applications and cloud-native services. Born from an internal project at Google and later made available as open-source software, Kubernetes has quickly become the de facto standard for managing and automating containerized applications in cloud, hybrid, and on-premises environments.

This orchestration system offers a wide range of advanced features that simplify the deployment, scalability, and management of containerized applications, allowing organizations to easily develop, deploy, and manage highly scalable and resilient applications. Kubernetes has been adopted by companies worldwide and has played a crucial role in accelerating digital transformation and the migration to microservices-based architectures.

Structure of the series

  1. Introduction to Kubernetes - part 1
  2. Introduction to Kubernetes - part 2

