MkDocs vs Sphinx

Estimated time to read: 1 minute

In the landscape of libraries for generating automatic documentation and static sites, we cannot fail to mention Sphinx, which perhaps represented the Python standard until a few years ago.

You can already find a reference to Sphinx and its features within this article.

In this section, instead, we will schematically compare the characteristics of Sphinx and MkDocs to highlight the strengths of both.

MkDocs Sphinx
Supported Formats Markdown reStructuredText (rST) but with the myst-parser extension supports Markdown
Startup Easy with the command poetry run mkdocs . Simple with the command sphinx-quickstart
Configuration Utilizes a YAML file mkdocs.yml Utilizes a Python file
Layout Elegant and appealing, also navigable Somewhat dated. The Read the Docs theme is iconic
Build Provides a local server to fully test the site. Convenient command poetry run mkdocs serve Generates the site build but the user must then test it in their browser. This is done with make html
Extensions There are many but not all are maintained There are many extensions but the community is less active compared to MkDocs
Customization Infinite possibilities thanks to CSS integration and available themes Decidedly less customizable
Third-party Integration Integration with Confluence with this extension Integration with Confluence with this extension