
Estimated time to read: 1 minute

In this section, you can find MkDocs extensions that we consider most useful for creating a truly comprehensive documentation site.

Extension Description Link
mkdocs-material Feature-rich template compared to the basic mkdocs template mkdocs-material
mkdocs-git-revision-date-localized-plugin Inserts the last modification date at the bottom of the page based on the latest commit mkdocs-git-revision-date-localized-plugin
mkdocs-jupyter Renders a Jupyter notebook within a page, including any charts mkdocs-jupyter
mkdocs-static-i18n Supports your site in multiple languages mkdocs-static-i18n
mkdocs-autorefs Allows linking to another page on the site without knowing the full path mkdocs-autorefs
neoteroi-mkdocs Allows inserting graphical elements such as cards, timelines, and Gantt charts neoteroi-mkdocs
mkdocs-timetoread-plugin it allows you to add an indicative reading time for a page, ideal for those who want to create a website with articles or blog posts. https://pypi.org/project/mkdocs-timetoread-plugin/